Freemasonry manual of the lodge

OF FREEMASONRY. A COMPLETE MANUAL. INTRODUCTION. A Lodge of Masons is initially organized by a minimum number of well qualified Brethren, no fewer, at least, than eight (including the Tyler), in good standing, or holding demits from some other regular Lodge.  · Harvey wrote it out of concern that ‘non-Scottish’ elements were creeping into Scottish Freemasonry and the desire to educate new edition has been prepared by the Curator of the Grand Lodge of Scotland together with a new introduction giving some details of the Masonic career of the ritual includes the three degrees, the Mark ceremony, lectures and three degree Dimensions: 8 × × 13 cm. THE MASONIC MANUAL A pocket Companion for the Initiated Compiled and arranged by Robert Macoy Revised Edition Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year , by CLARK, AUSTIN Co., in the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States for the Southern District of New York.

In , Most Worshipful Harland F. Small, presiding Grand Master of Freemasons in Maine, directed Right Worshipful Ernest H. Curtis, then chairman of the Committee on Masonic Education and Lodge Service, to develop a revised plan for the Masonic education of candidates and new master masons including a manual for Masonic instructors. This manual does not disclose any of the esoteric portions of the ritual of the Grand Lodge. The contents of this manual therefore may be discussed with, and read by, any person interested in acquiring knowledge about Freemasonry. Masonic organizations are invited to reproduce, extract, copy or reprint the contents of this book. FOTC Standard Manual vdoc Revised: October 1. The Grand Lodge of A.F. A.M. of Oregon. Fraternal Excellence Since STANDARD MANUAL FOR A FELLOW OF THE CRAFT. This material is private. Do not share with anyone other than Masons. Quest for Light!

First Clause. To close the lodge in the second or fellow-craft’s degree. Third, or Master Mason’s Degree. To open a lodge. Ceremony of raising a Master Mason, or the Third Degree. Questions required to be answered in the Second Degree by a. Fellow-Craft Freemason, before he can be raised to a Master. Mason, or the Third Degree. Craft Masonry. It has been communicated to me by Masons; it has been confirmed by other Masons; it has been the Stan-dard Manual of Masonry, since it was first published in “The Republican,” in ; it has made many Masons without the lodge initiation, and, by its direction, I have been assured. Manual of Freemasonry Book Description: RELATED BOOKS: Language: en Pages: Books about Manual of the Lodge. Language: en Pages: A Manual of Freemasonry.


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