Fiberstars 6008 manual

MANUAL CONTROL EXTERNAL AUTO CONTROL OPTIONAL RM CONTRO L COLOR WHEEL COLOR WHEEL COLOR WHEEL ON COLOR WHEEL OFF POWER ON POWER OFF POWER POWER TOGGLE SWITCH POSITIONS NOBEL DRIVE FREMONT, CA TEL() FAX() SPECIFICATIONS CONSTRUCTION Case: High . Below is a list of product documentation for and Fiberstars fiber optic pool lighting products. Owner's Manual. Installation. AS Owner's Manual. AS Installation. Installation. Owner's Manual. AS Installation. AS Owner's Manual. Hot Knife Installation. KL2-SF and KL2-PF Fiber Installation.  · Re: Replacing Fiberstars Fiberstars still makes Fiber Optics illuminators or you might be able to get a 7 color Pentair PG illluminator. The Fiberstars has more 'vibrant' colors while the Pentair is more 'pastel' My personal preference is the Pentair (and I have seen both in action.) Bad new is that I think Pentair has discontinued.

Fiberstars Owens Drive, Suite Pleasanton, CA (T) (F) Fiberstars-Treo Installation Manual For lights equipped with LAU-FS2 Color Lamp This product is protected by one or more of the following U.S. Patents: , and View and Download Fiberstars owner's manual online. Lighting for the 21st century. lighting equipment pdf manual download. Also for: as. installation manual. control options b r o w n b r o w n b r o w n v for color wheel from control rm wireless remote by fiberstars note: maximum 2 light units per rm external auto control (jandy aqualink, compool, aquadyne, etc.) note: do not use dimmable relays on metal halide!

owner's manual deliver to consumer manual control external auto control optional rm contro l color wheel color wheel color wheel on color wheel off power on power off power power toggle switch positions nobel drive fremont, ca tel() fax() specifications construction case: high impact. Fiberstars Illuminators, , , AS - has the largest selection of swimming pool and spa replacement parts with over 70, parts in stock. TROUBLE SHOOTING Electric Lights Jazz FX Jazz/FX Spa Fiber Illuminators Note: For proper trouble shooting have your model number ready. It is located on the outside of your Illuminator on a Fiberstars sticker.


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