Fci gf90 flow meter manual

FCI’s advanced constant power Thermal Dispersion technology provides the GF Series Mass Flowmeters with turndowns up to , repeatability of ±% reading or better, and flow rate accuracy of ±1% reading plus % full scale. The GF Insertion ModelThe GF90 is available for use in ducts or pipe sizes with a suggested minimum 2 inch [50 mm].  · The GF90 Flare Gas Flow Meter from Fluid Components International (FCI) solves the problem of measuring dangerous, explosive and toxic gases that often flow at extremely varying and/or low levels. Hydrocarbon combustible waste gases are challenging to measure due to their wide flow fluctuations caused by variable production and refining processes. Installation, Operation and Maintenance GF90 and GF92 Doc 06EN Model GF90 Insertion Model GF92 In-Line.

- Flow and Temperature, Level and Temperature - Level, Interface Detection and Temperature Reactor Core Coolant 4 Meet Supply Chain Objectives FCI is the only manufacturer of thermal disperision technology flow meters, flow switches, level switches and level gauges accredited for both nuclear safety related and balance-of-plant applications. To test a GF90 flow meter, the nitrogen gas is flowed through the meter's flow element and measured at five pre-set measurement points across the meter's range. The in-situ flow meter test data is then compared to original FCI laboratory calibration and installation benchmark test data for the meter. GF90 flow element with additional electronics to feed and mea-sure a precise flow of gas from a nitrogen source. To test a GF90 flowmeter, the nitrogen gas is flowed through the meter's flow ele-ment and measured at five pre-set measurement points across the meter's range. The in-situ flowmeter test data is then compared to.

Notice of Proprietary Rights. This document contains confidential technical data, including trade secrets and proprietary information which is the property of Fluid Components. In. GF Series Mass Flow Meter Specifications Application g Gas Mass Flow Measurement GF In ducts or pipes sizes with a minimum ʺ [64 mm] nominal inside diameter GF In pipe lines or tubing sizes from ʺ to 2 ʺ [ mm to 51 mm] Process Connection GF 1 ʺ Male NPT ANSI or DIN flanged Retractable packing gland with ʺ NPT(M), ANSI or DIN flange GF NPT (M), NPT (F. FCI’s advanced constant power Thermal Dispersion technology provides the GF Series Mass Flowmeters with turndowns up to , repeatability of ±% reading or better, and flow rate accuracy of ±1% reading plus % full scale. The GF Insertion ModelThe GF90 is available for use in ducts or pipe sizes with a suggested minimum 2 inch [50 mm].


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