Extron mlc 104 ip plus manual
The MLC IP Plus is also capable of learning IR commands for centralized control of external source devices, such as DVD players and VCRs, when used with an optional IRCM - Infrared Control Module. Especially vital for high traffic areas, the MLC IP Plus is housed in a secure two-gang enclosure. It has the same look and functionality. Extron Electronics, Asia Joo Seng Road, # PM Industrial Building Singapore + Fax + Extron Electronics, Japan Kyodo Building 16 Ichibancho Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Japan + www.doorway.ru Fax + Setup Guide A 08 06 MLC and MLC IP Series MediaLink™ Controllers. Global Confi gurator , MLC / Confi guration Program , and System 5 IP Confi guration Program Upgrade Guide Rev.
MLC IP Plus and operate the A/V system. The MLC IP Plus includes universal display control for a display's power, input switching, and volume control. For one-button functionality, the MLC IP Plus features backlit buttons that can be custom-labeled for easy identification. iViewer interface for Extron MLCIP Plus. Sample demo GUI for controlling the Extron device via TCP, Port Setup Resources. Extron's Global Configurator software to program and assign functions to the MLC unit. In this sample GUI, the unit was pre-programmed with Projector On/Off, Volume Control and 4 Input selections. Global Confi gurator , MLC / Confi guration Program , and System 5 IP Confi guration Program Upgrade Guide Rev.
Global Confi gurator , MLC / Confi guration Program , and System 5 IP Confi guration Program Upgrade Guide Rev. The MLC IP Plus series of controllers are configured using the free Extron Global Configurator® (GC) software. The MLCs The MLCs integrate seamlessly with Extron GlobalViewer ® Enterprise (GVE) software and the free GlobalViewer web-based AV resource. The Extron MLC IP Plus Series MediaLink® Controller integrates Ethernet connection into AV systems to allow users to remotely control, monitor, and troubleshoot AV equipment, including display devices and switchers.